"To support an inclusive culture that reflects Ontario's communities it is a priority for the ministry to promote opportunities for all Ontarians to participate in sport. Participation in a positive and supportive environment, free from discrimination is fundamental for LGBTQ Ontarians. Freedom from discrimination will remove barriers for participation and will remove the burden of negativity and mistrust that may limit athletes, coaches, officials and volunteers from full participation.
A 2014 study found that American youth identifying as a sexual minority were less likely to participate in team sports and engaged in less moderate to vigorous physical activity compared to their heterosexual identifying counterparts; gender non-conformity and lack of athletic self-esteem were the largest determinants of this participation gap."
Rainbow Arch
The ODSA will develop and implement a program of diversity acceptance . Our sport is one that already is
The ODSA will with the help of the LGBTQ will reach out to this community and show the inclusiveness of our sport in its ability to share the passion of disc .